Date of Construction: 1896

Architectural Classification: Queen Anne

Survey Area: Downtown Libertyville

  • 208 W. Park Avenue Liberytville IL 60048
    42.283426, -87.955837
  • Building Details

    Building name: Waldo, A. W. House

    Ground Floor Use: Residential

    Upper Floor Use: Residential

    Current Occupant: Residential

    Zoning: R-8

    Number of Stories: 3

    Property Index Number: 1121100008

  • Local

    Within Local District?: No

    Local Dist Contrib/Non-Contrib?: C

    Local Landmark?: No

    Year: No

    Local Landmark Eligible?: Potentially Eligible

    Criteria: A

  • National Register

    NR District Contrib/Non-Contrib: C

    Within District?: No

    NR Landmark?: No

    Year: No

    NR Eligible?: No

    Criteria: No

    Alternate Address?: No

  • General Information

    Category: Building

    Condition: Good

    Integrity: Moderate alterations

    Current Use: Domestic - single dwelling

    Historic Use: Domestic - single dwelling

    Secondary Structure: Detached garage

    NR Second: NC

  • Architectural Description

    Architectural Classification: Queen Anne

    Details: Queen Anne

    Other Year: Queen Anne

    Date source: LIBERTYVILLE ILLUSTRATED (p. 15)

    Wall Material (Current): Wood

    Wall Material 2 (Current): Wood - shingles

    Plan: Wood - shingles

    No of Stories: 2.5

    Roof Type: Combination

    Roof Material: Wood - shingle

    Foundation: Not visible

    Porch: Wrap around

    Window Material: Wood

    Window Material 2: Aluminum/vinyl

    Window Type: Double hung & fixed

    Window Configuration: 1/1; 1-light

    Significance: Despite alterations, this Queen Anne residence may be eligible for local landmark designation.

    Historic Features: Hipped main roof with projecting front-gable through-the-cornice dormer on south facade (dormer features overhang supported by scrolled brackets); 2.5-story east side polygonal tower with pointed roof; wraparound front porch structure (not original, but historic--dates from between 1924 and 1933; partially enclosed)

    Alterations: Replacement siding (1991); wood-shingle roofing; east end of wraparound porch enclosed (post-1948); replacement railings on porch; one-story rear addition; replacement windows in original openings

  • Historic Information

    Old Address (city dir.year: Replacement siding (1991); wood-shingle roofing; east end of wraparound porch enclosed (post-1948); replacement railings on porch; one-story rear addition; replacement windows in original openings

    Building Moved?: Replacement siding (1991); wood-shingle roofing; east end of wraparound porch enclosed (post-1948); replacement railings on porch; one-story rear addition; replacement windows in original openings

    Moved From: Replacement siding (1991); wood-shingle roofing; east end of wraparound porch enclosed (post-1948); replacement railings on porch; one-story rear addition; replacement windows in original openings

    Original Owner: Replacement siding (1991); wood-shingle roofing; east end of wraparound porch enclosed (post-1948); replacement railings on porch; one-story rear addition; replacement windows in original openings

    Original Architect: Replacement siding (1991); wood-shingle roofing; east end of wraparound porch enclosed (post-1948); replacement railings on porch; one-story rear addition; replacement windows in original openings

    Architect Source: Replacement siding (1991); wood-shingle roofing; east end of wraparound porch enclosed (post-1948); replacement railings on porch; one-story rear addition; replacement windows in original openings

    Builder: Replacement siding (1991); wood-shingle roofing; east end of wraparound porch enclosed (post-1948); replacement railings on porch; one-story rear addition; replacement windows in original openings

    Surveyor: LR

    Surveyor Organization: Ramsey Historic Consultants

    Survey Date: May-June 2016

    Survey Area: Downtown Libertyville

  • Permit/Historic Information

    Old Address: Downtown Libertyville

    Date of Construction: Downtown Libertyville

  • Permit Moving Information

    Moving Permit #: Downtown Libertyville

    Date Moved: Downtown Libertyville

  • Original Permit Information

    Building Permit #: Downtown Libertyville

    Date: Downtown Libertyville

    Building Permit Description: Downtown Libertyville

    Cost: Downtown Libertyville

    Original Owner Occupied?: Downtown Libertyville

    Exterior Alteration Permits: 90-399 (1/16/1991)--siding; 94-326 (6/1/1994)--roof; 94-579 (8/8/1994)--alterations; 99-369 (5/14/99)--alterations

    Other Permit Information: 90-399 (1/16/1991)--siding; 94-326 (6/1/1994)--roof; 94-579 (8/8/1994)--alterations; 99-369 (5/14/99)--alterations

    COA Info: 90-399 (1/16/1991)--siding; 94-326 (6/1/1994)--roof; 94-579 (8/8/1994)--alterations; 99-369 (5/14/99)--alterations

    Historic Info: Photograph of house on p. 15 of LIBERTYVILLE ILLUSTRATED: Abner W. Waldo "was born in central Vermont in 1830, and removed to the great Northwest while yet a young man, settling in Wisconsin in 1855. After the war, during the latter portion of which he served his country in the First Wisconsin heaving Artillery, he disposed of his farm and removed to Chicago, where he was employed as a bookkeeper for some six years. He then, in 1871, engaged in the lumber business in quite an extensive way. In 1883 he purchased a large improved farm near Libertyville, which he sold in 1896. In that year he retired from business in Chicago and removed to Libertyville, where he erected a fine residence, surrounded by choice trees. Mr. Waldo is a public-spirited man, a splendid example of what New England has done for the Great West."

    Other Sources: Sanborn Maps--1924 (Sheet 9); 1933 (Sheet 5); 1948 (Sheet 5)

    Historic Info Compiler: LR

    Volunteer: LR

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