Date of Construction: 1943

Architectural Classification: Midcentury Modern

Survey Area: Downtown Libertyville

  • 117-125 E. Church Street Libertyville IL 60048
    42.286719, -87.953394
  • Building Details

    Building name: Illinois Bell Telephone Company Building

    Ground Floor Use: Commercial

    Upper Floor Use: Commercial

    Current Occupant: Ameritech

    Zoning: C-1

    Number of Stories: 2

    Property Index Number: 1116414003; 1116414014; 1116414015; 1116414017

  • Local

    Within Local District?: No

    Local Dist Contrib/Non-Contrib?: C

    Local Landmark?: No

    Year: No

    Local Landmark Eligible?: Yes

    Criteria: H

  • National Register

    NR District Contrib/Non-Contrib: C

    Within District?: No

    NR Landmark?: No

    Year: No

    NR Eligible?: No

    Criteria: No

    Alternate Address?: No

  • General Information

    Category: Building

    Condition: Good

    Integrity: Minor alterations and additions

    Current Use: Commerce/Trade

    Historic Use: Commerce/Trade

    Secondary Structure: Commerce/Trade

    NR Second: Commerce/Trade

  • Architectural Description

    Architectural Classification: Midcentury Modern

    Details: Midcentury Modern

    Other Year: 1956, 1968

    Date source: Illinois Digital Archives/Permits

    Wall Material (Current): Brick

    Wall Material 2 (Current): Brick

    Plan: Rectangular

    No of Stories: 2

    Roof Type: Flat

    Roof Material: Not Visible

    Foundation: Concrete

    Porch: Concrete

    Window Material: Metal

    Window Material 2: Aluminum/vinyl

    Window Type: Casement

    Window Configuration: 1-light

    Significance: Building may be eligible for local landmark designation for its associations with the history and development of communications in the Village of Libertyville. The building replaced an earlier office erected at the same location in 1923.

    Historic Features: Red brick exterior; ribbon windows connected with horizontal concrete surrounds; main entrance at ground level set within a slightly projecting overhang capped with concrete, with a row of casement windows stretching beside the doorway within a concrete-clad wall.

    Alterations: Two story rear additions (1956 and 1968); front window east of entry bricked in

  • Historic Information

    Old Address (city dir.year: Two story rear additions (1956 and 1968); front window east of entry bricked in

    Building Moved?: Two story rear additions (1956 and 1968); front window east of entry bricked in

    Moved From: Two story rear additions (1956 and 1968); front window east of entry bricked in

    Original Owner: Two story rear additions (1956 and 1968); front window east of entry bricked in

    Original Architect: Two story rear additions (1956 and 1968); front window east of entry bricked in

    Architect Source: Two story rear additions (1956 and 1968); front window east of entry bricked in

    Builder: Two story rear additions (1956 and 1968); front window east of entry bricked in

    Surveyor: LR

    Surveyor Organization: Ramsey Historic Consultants

    Survey Date: May-June 2016

    Survey Area: Downtown Libertyville

  • Permit/Historic Information

    Old Address: Downtown Libertyville

    Date of Construction: Downtown Libertyville

  • Permit Moving Information

    Moving Permit #: Downtown Libertyville

    Date Moved: Downtown Libertyville

  • Original Permit Information

    Building Permit #: Downtown Libertyville

    Date: Downtown Libertyville

    Building Permit Description: Downtown Libertyville

    Cost: Downtown Libertyville

    Original Owner Occupied?: Downtown Libertyville

    Exterior Alteration Permits: 1445 (5/16/1956)--2nd story addition; JCR-11-0034 (2011)--replace door and walk; 4478 (3/25/1968)--2-story masonry addition

    Other Permit Information: 1445 (5/16/1956)--2nd story addition; JCR-11-0034 (2011)--replace door and walk; 4478 (3/25/1968)--2-story masonry addition

    COA Info: 1445 (5/16/1956)--2nd story addition; JCR-11-0034 (2011)--replace door and walk; 4478 (3/25/1968)--2-story masonry addition

    Historic Info: Historic photograph and information on building at Illinois Digital Archives (in collection of Libertyville-Mundelein Historical Society and Cook Memorial Public Library): "On November 30, 1943, ground was broken for the Illinois Bell Building pictured here at 117 East Church Street. Completion of this office building the following year allowed for expanded and modernized services, including conversion to dial service by the end of the decade. Growth continued in the 1950s, necessitating an addition to the original building in 1956. That year there were 164 Illinois Bell Employees working in Libertyville. Historical Note: Telephone service first came to Libertyville in 1897, when F. B. Lovell and Fletcher Clark formed the Lake County Telephone Company. Lovell used the back room of his drug store as the central office, where there was one operator."

    Other Sources: Sanborn Maps: 1948 (Sheet 5)

    Historic Info Compiler: LR

    Volunteer: LR

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