Date of Construction: 1912

Architectural Classification: Two Part Commercial Block

Survey Area: Downtown Libertyville

  • 536-542 N. Milwaukee Avenue Libertyville IL 60048
    42.288664, -87.954227
  • Building Details

    Building name: First National Bank

    Ground Floor Use: Commercial

    Upper Floor Use: Unknown

    Current Occupant: Vacant/Spring Valley Trading Co. (536), Avenue 21 Dancewear (538), Dancenter North (540), Starbucks (542)

    Zoning: C-1

    Number of Stories: 3

    Property Index Number: 1116405001 (536),

  • Local

    Within Local District?: No

    Local Dist Contrib/Non-Contrib?: C

    Local Landmark?: No

    Year: No

    Local Landmark Eligible?: Potentially Eligible

    Criteria: A, D

  • National Register

    NR District Contrib/Non-Contrib: C

    Within District?: No

    NR Landmark?: No

    Year: No

    NR Eligible?: No

    Criteria: No

    Alternate Address?: No

  • General Information

    Category: Building

    Condition: Good

    Integrity: Moderate alterations

    Current Use: Commerce/Trade

    Historic Use: Commerce/Trade

    Secondary Structure: Commerce/Trade

    NR Second: Commerce/Trade

  • Architectural Description

    Architectural Classification: Two Part Commercial Block

    Details: Two Part Commercial Block

    Other Year: Two Part Commercial Block

    Date source: Sanborn Maps/Surveyor

    Wall Material (Current): Brick

    Wall Material 2 (Current): Brick

    Plan: Rectangular

    No of Stories: 3

    Roof Type: Flat

    Roof Material: Not Visible

    Foundation: Not visible

    Porch: Not visible

    Window Material: Aluminum/vinyl

    Window Material 2: Aluminum/vinyl

    Window Type: Double hung & storefront

    Window Configuration: 6/1; 1-light

    Significance: Despite alterations, this brick commercial block with 1930s Art Deco/Art Moderne storefront may be eligible for local landmark designation.

    Historic Features: Brick west and north facades; ornamental brick panels under metal cornice; continuous soldier course string course at 2nd-story window openings; stone storefront at northwest corner is historic alteration dating from c. 1930

    Alterations: Original bank entrance with columns and oversized canopy removed; northwest corner storefront remodeled (c. 1930--historic alteration), with stone surround; storefronts at south side remodeled (1960s-70s), but later rehabilitated into historic configuration; round-arch 2nd story windows at east end of north facade bricked in--smaller 6/1 windows placed within opening; replacement windows on first story of north facade; replacement 2nd and 3rd story windows on both facades (historic configuration)

  • Historic Information

    Old Address (city dir.year: Original bank entrance with columns and oversized canopy removed; northwest corner storefront remodeled (c. 1930--historic alteration), with stone surround; storefronts at south side remodeled (1960s-70s), but later rehabilitated into historic configuration; round-arch 2nd story windows at east end of north facade bricked in--smaller 6/1 windows placed within opening; replacement windows on first story of north facade; replacement 2nd and 3rd story windows on both facades (historic configuration)

    Building Moved?: Original bank entrance with columns and oversized canopy removed; northwest corner storefront remodeled (c. 1930--historic alteration), with stone surround; storefronts at south side remodeled (1960s-70s), but later rehabilitated into historic configuration; round-arch 2nd story windows at east end of north facade bricked in--smaller 6/1 windows placed within opening; replacement windows on first story of north facade; replacement 2nd and 3rd story windows on both facades (historic configuration)

    Moved From: Original bank entrance with columns and oversized canopy removed; northwest corner storefront remodeled (c. 1930--historic alteration), with stone surround; storefronts at south side remodeled (1960s-70s), but later rehabilitated into historic configuration; round-arch 2nd story windows at east end of north facade bricked in--smaller 6/1 windows placed within opening; replacement windows on first story of north facade; replacement 2nd and 3rd story windows on both facades (historic configuration)

    Original Owner: Original bank entrance with columns and oversized canopy removed; northwest corner storefront remodeled (c. 1930--historic alteration), with stone surround; storefronts at south side remodeled (1960s-70s), but later rehabilitated into historic configuration; round-arch 2nd story windows at east end of north facade bricked in--smaller 6/1 windows placed within opening; replacement windows on first story of north facade; replacement 2nd and 3rd story windows on both facades (historic configuration)

    Original Architect: Original bank entrance with columns and oversized canopy removed; northwest corner storefront remodeled (c. 1930--historic alteration), with stone surround; storefronts at south side remodeled (1960s-70s), but later rehabilitated into historic configuration; round-arch 2nd story windows at east end of north facade bricked in--smaller 6/1 windows placed within opening; replacement windows on first story of north facade; replacement 2nd and 3rd story windows on both facades (historic configuration)

    Architect Source: Original bank entrance with columns and oversized canopy removed; northwest corner storefront remodeled (c. 1930--historic alteration), with stone surround; storefronts at south side remodeled (1960s-70s), but later rehabilitated into historic configuration; round-arch 2nd story windows at east end of north facade bricked in--smaller 6/1 windows placed within opening; replacement windows on first story of north facade; replacement 2nd and 3rd story windows on both facades (historic configuration)

    Builder: Original bank entrance with columns and oversized canopy removed; northwest corner storefront remodeled (c. 1930--historic alteration), with stone surround; storefronts at south side remodeled (1960s-70s), but later rehabilitated into historic configuration; round-arch 2nd story windows at east end of north facade bricked in--smaller 6/1 windows placed within opening; replacement windows on first story of north facade; replacement 2nd and 3rd story windows on both facades (historic configuration)

    Surveyor: LR

    Surveyor Organization: Ramsey Historic Consultants

    Survey Date: May-June 2016

    Survey Area: Downtown Libertyville

  • Permit/Historic Information

    Old Address: Downtown Libertyville

    Date of Construction: Downtown Libertyville

  • Permit Moving Information

    Moving Permit #: Downtown Libertyville

    Date Moved: Downtown Libertyville

  • Original Permit Information

    Building Permit #: Downtown Libertyville

    Date: Downtown Libertyville

    Building Permit Description: Downtown Libertyville

    Cost: Downtown Libertyville

    Original Owner Occupied?: Downtown Libertyville

    Exterior Alteration Permits: 1048 (3/5/1955)--resurfacing front with enameled steel sections, recess front door of aluminum, alter display case; Appearance Review Commission minutes (7/21/2003)-- replacement upper windows in original openings; 94-508 (7/28/1994)--construct Starbucks coffee shop per Village plans (542)

    Other Permit Information: 1048 (3/5/1955)--resurfacing front with enameled steel sections, recess front door of aluminum, alter display case; Appearance Review Commission minutes (7/21/2003)-- replacement upper windows in original openings; 94-508 (7/28/1994)--construct Starbucks coffee shop per Village plans (542)

    COA Info: 1048 (3/5/1955)--resurfacing front with enameled steel sections, recess front door of aluminum, alter display case; Appearance Review Commission minutes (7/21/2003)-- replacement upper windows in original openings; 94-508 (7/28/1994)--construct Starbucks coffee shop per Village plans (542)

    Historic Info: The First National Bank was the second bank in Libertyville, begun in January of 1903. In 1932, the bank merged with Lake County National Bank into the First Lake County National Bank. The upper floors of the building housed a theater, meeting rooms, and offices.

    Other Sources: Illinois Digital Archives holds several historic photographs of the building soon after construction, as well as later photos from the 1950s and 1970s: Sanborn Maps--1907 (Sheet 2), 1912 (Sheet 2), 1924 (Sheet 2), 1933 (Sheet 2), 1948 (Sheet 2) IMAGES OF AMERICA: LIBERTYVILLE, p. 54-55

    Historic Info Compiler: LR

    Volunteer: LR

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