Building name: Coy Lumber Company
Ground Floor Use: Commercial
Upper Floor Use: N/A
Current Occupant: Amazing Cosmetics
Zoning: C-1
Number of Stories: 2
Property Index Number: 1116411006
Within Local District?: No
Local Dist Contrib/Non-Contrib?: NC
Local Landmark?: No
Year: No
Local Landmark Eligible?: No
Criteria: No
NR District Contrib/Non-Contrib: NC
Within District?: No
NR Landmark?: No
Year: No
NR Eligible?: No
Criteria: No
Alternate Address?: No
Category: Building
Condition: Good
Integrity: Major alterations
Current Use: Commerce/Trade
Historic Use: Commerce/Trade
Secondary Structure: Commerce/Trade
NR Second: Commerce/Trade
Architectural Classification: Freestanding Commercial
Details: French Eclectic
Other Year: 1990s; 2000s
Date source: Surveyor; permits
Wall Material (Current): Brick
Wall Material 2 (Current): Aluminum/vinyl
Plan: Rectangular
No of Stories: 1.5
Roof Type: Multi-gable
Roof Material: Asphalt - shingle
Foundation: Not visible
Porch: Not visible
Window Material: Not visible
Window Material 2: Aluminum/vinyl
Window Type: fixed
Window Configuration: 1-light
Significance: 1-light
Historic Features: Narrow side gable roof at front (north) facade, with broader front gable roof behind; window and center entry openings on front facade are historic
Alterations: Replacement windows in original openings; replacement front door; replacement windows in altered openings on side elevations; gable dormer window on front facade replaced with eyebrow window; brick painted
Old Address (city dir.year: Replacement windows in original openings; replacement front door; replacement windows in altered openings on side elevations; gable dormer window on front facade replaced with eyebrow window; brick painted
Building Moved?: Replacement windows in original openings; replacement front door; replacement windows in altered openings on side elevations; gable dormer window on front facade replaced with eyebrow window; brick painted
Moved From: Replacement windows in original openings; replacement front door; replacement windows in altered openings on side elevations; gable dormer window on front facade replaced with eyebrow window; brick painted
Original Owner: Replacement windows in original openings; replacement front door; replacement windows in altered openings on side elevations; gable dormer window on front facade replaced with eyebrow window; brick painted
Original Architect: Replacement windows in original openings; replacement front door; replacement windows in altered openings on side elevations; gable dormer window on front facade replaced with eyebrow window; brick painted
Architect Source: Replacement windows in original openings; replacement front door; replacement windows in altered openings on side elevations; gable dormer window on front facade replaced with eyebrow window; brick painted
Builder: Replacement windows in original openings; replacement front door; replacement windows in altered openings on side elevations; gable dormer window on front facade replaced with eyebrow window; brick painted
Surveyor: LR
Surveyor Organization: Ramsey Historic Consultants
Survey Date: May-June 2016
Survey Area: Downtown Libertyville
Old Address: Downtown Libertyville
Date of Construction: Downtown Libertyville
Moving Permit #: Downtown Libertyville
Date Moved: Downtown Libertyville
Building Permit #: Downtown Libertyville
Date: Downtown Libertyville
Building Permit Description: Downtown Libertyville
Cost: Downtown Libertyville
Original Owner Occupied?: Downtown Libertyville
Exterior Alteration Permits: 18 (3/17/1951)--reroofing old shed; 528 (2/4/1953)--repair brick
Other Permit Information: 18 (3/17/1951)--reroofing old shed; 528 (2/4/1953)--repair brick
COA Info: 18 (3/17/1951)--reroofing old shed; 528 (2/4/1953)--repair brick
Historic Info: From Illinois Digital Archives (provided by Libertyville-Mundelein Historical Society and Cook Memorial Public Library)--"The Coy Lumber Company was located at 133 East Cook Avenue between Milwaukee Avenue and First Street. In addition to lumber, Coy sold feed, millwork, insulation, wall board, and roofing and building materials. The lumber yard also advertised various brands of coal including Great Heart Stoker, Harco Stoker, and Pocahontas."
Other Sources: Sanborn Maps (1897-1948); Historic photo of building on Illinois Digital Archives website--
Historic Info Compiler: LR
Volunteer: LR